
December 31, 2023

Today's writing prompt is:


Arrow trope chart of OCEAN'S BLOOD showing the book cover before a backdrop of an iceberg, highlighting the following tropes: only one horse, enemies-to-a-giant-mess, morally gray, gay and dark, slow burn, endearing villain, clash of egos, demons, blood, swords!

Prompt by ThelmaMantey

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I apologize for ending my reign bloody. But having been holding back so far, I'll use this last day for a bit of promotion for my dark, queer fantasy novel OCEAN'S BLOOD!πŸŒŠπŸ©Έβ€οΈβ€πŸ”₯πŸ˜€

Preorder: https://t.co/4i4LRiBftN

Goodreads: https://t.co/FPHlCkgd0E

#vss365 #prompt 12/31 #blood https://t.co/FQbOZ2tGr3