
Wrapped 2018

#vss365 Wrapped 2018

Note: "Media Prompts" are defined as having an image or video attached to the tweet. Embedded media, such as YouTube embeds, are not considered media prompts.

  • 366 prompts were given out
  • 1 prompt reigned as the shortest prompt, with 1 letter
  • 1 prompt reigned as the longest prompt, with 14 letters
  • The most common length of a prompt was 5 letters, with 84 prompts
  • The average length of a prompt was 5.8634 letters
  • All 26 letters of the English alphabet were used at least once
  • The most common letter was "e", with 248 uses
  • There were 2 letters that were the least common
  • The most common starting letter was "s", with 43 uses
  • The least common starting letter was "u", with 2 uses
  • The most common ending letter was "e", with 80 uses
  • The least common ending letter was "x", with 2 uses
  • 4 prompts were repeated
  • There were 35 (9.5628%) media prompts
  • 35 (100%) media prompts did not have alt text to help visually impaired writers know what content or information the media portrayed
  • To be fair, Twitter had little support for alt text until 2022
  • 1 host was a veteran host
  • 11 hosts were first time hosts
Shortest prompts
Prompt Host Date
x fhaedra May 24, 2018
Longest prompts
Prompt Host Date
discombobulate PatchieSteve August 10, 2018
Repeated prompts
Prompt Occurrences
light 2
narrow 2
past 2
storm 2
Least common letters
Letter Occurrences
q 4
x 4
Prompt lengths and occurrences Ordered by most common occurrence first
Number of letters Prompts
5 84
4 80
6 70
7 54
9 23
8 23
3 15
10 9
11 5
14 1
12 1
1 1
Average number of letters in each prompt for each host Ordered by largest average length first
Host Average letters in prompts
TheWritingKind 7.4516
whithernow 7.0667
RozLevens 6.4516
zevonesque 5.9667
PatchieSteve 5.7627
SalnPage 5.5161
VicenteLRuiz 5.5
el_stevie 5.4839
fhaedra 5.0323
voimaoy 4.9032
Veteran hosts
Host Hosting period start date
voimaoy March 01, 2018
First time hosts
Host Hosting period start date
el_stevie January 01, 2018
PatchieSteve February 01, 2018
VicenteLRuiz April 01, 2018
fhaedra May 01, 2018
el_stevie June 01, 2018
SalnPage July 01, 2018
PatchieSteve August 01, 2018
whithernow September 01, 2018
RozLevens October 01, 2018
zevonesque November 01, 2018
TheWritingKind December 01, 2018