
May 04, 2023

Today's writing prompt is:


Mary Cassatt's painting 'Tea' from 1880. Two ladies sit close on a floral sofa. One (hatless) broods or daydreams, as the other (in bonnet) looks away over the rim of the tea cup from which she sips. Before them is a polished silver tea set and tray. Behind them striped wallpaper, gilt-framed mirror and blue and gold vase.

Prompt by JennyGaitskell

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Good day!

We’ve popped through our time portal to 1880.

From here, 1880 sounds like light opera, smells of Sherlock Holmes & looks impressionistic.

Some new words this year are cloudscape, spaceship & the vss365 prompt word for May 4th 2023:


#vss365 #prompt #boycott https://t.co/NtYTC7vdai